Project on Affinities and Language (PAL)
The Project on Affinities and Language (PAL) is designed to help us understand what happens in a child’s brain when they engage with their interests, passions, or hobbies – also known as “affinities.”
We especially hope to learn more about the affinities of children with autism.
What is my commitment?
The study would include a trip to the mock scanner to practice laying still, and about 1hr of fMRI scanning in the non-invasive fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) scanner. In the scanner the participant watches brief excerpts of some videos that s/he enjoys, and engages in other tasks. We would want to allot 3 hours total, including paperwork, breaks, and instructions, though it may not take that long.
We are currently recruiting children ages who have a special interest (e.g. trains, Minecraft, etc.) that can be shown in video format to participate in this study.
Your child will be paid $20/hour for non-scanning activities, and $30/hour for the scanning session. If you chose to drive, free parking is available.