This fMRI study is designed to investigate information processing in the perception of text, faces and numbers. We hope that this research will further our understanding of perceptual differences in individuals on the autism spectrum.
What is my commitment?
Total participation in this study will consist of a brain imaging session that will last approximately 1.5 hours, and a behavioral session where you will complete a series of computer tasks and games (about 2 hours). We would schedule a 4-hour visit, though it may not take that long.
We ask that you refrain from caffeine for 2 hours before the visit and that you refrain from alcohol the night before the visit. You are welcome to have caffeine right after your scan.
You will be paid for participating in all portions of the study at a rate of $20 per hour for the behavioral session, and $30 per hour for the brain imaging session. You are expected to earn about $80-90.